Tuesday 29 November 2016

Get the best treatment with EHIC just like a local resident

We all know that health insurance is one thing that is of utmost importance, but it becomes even more important when you are traveling abroad. In such scenario, you need insurance like EHIC (European heath insurance card). With the help of this card, you get the right to access to health care during your temporary stay in any of the EEA countries or Switzerland.
If you are wondering what are things that European health insurance card includes, then let me tell you that it enables you to get treatment for pre-existing medical conditions, treatment for mother and child in case of premature and unexpected deliveries, routine maternity care, minor treatments and chronic pre-existing conditions. One thing you should know that each country has its own healthcare systems; hence the benefits are also a bit different. Some may give treatment for free, some may charge a bit. I must tell you that level of care might not be the one that you are expecting in the country that you are visiting.
You will get the same treatment as any other resident of that country would have gotten. The treatment is provided at a reduced cost; in some cases, you can even get this treatment free of cost. When you are on a trip, you can fall sick or unfortunately meet with an accident. Thus, it is important that you must get the required medical treatment.  
If you are one of those people who confuse EHIC with travel insurance, then I must tell you that there is a lot of difference in both as it doesn’t cover mountain rescue. It doesn’t cover repatriation cost, additional accommodation costs, theft, hijacking and luggage lost and cancellation of flights cost.
Apply EHIC Online is one name that you can trust if you want to apply for a European health insurance card. We make sure that you get the best information with minimum of hassle and help you to get rid of all omissions related to your EHIC. We have a reputation of satisfying our various clients over the years.
Feel free to contact us for any kind of information.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Here is What to Do In Case You’ve Lost Your European Health Insurance Card

It is now a public affair that it is important to keep your European Health Insurance Card in your possession all the time. It becomes even more necessary to keep it around when you are going to visit any of the 28 members of the European Union and Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.     
Why is it Necessary to Keep Your European Health Insurance Card with You? 
We can simply not predict future. While visiting any of the places aforementioned, are you sure you won’t fall ill or get sick? What if you injure yourself in an accident? All of these conditions require immediate and necessary medical treatment. 
Chances are you might be having a chronic or pre-existing medical condition. Such conditions demand routine medical attention. 
Further, there can be an emergency in pregnancy cases too. What if your partner is pregnant and she is suffering premature labor contractions? Luckily, EHIC will cover you for this condition too. 
Clearly, EHIC is a valuable document that as a European member of the EFTA and the EU, you must safeguard at all the times. 
Unfortunately, You Might Lose Your Card 
There are certain incidents that no matter how cautious you are, may result in losing your EHIC. Sometimes accidently and sometimes on purpose (stolen), you cannot help these situations even after being vigilant.    
You Do Not Need To Worry After Losing it, Re-apply! 
In case you lose your EHIC, there is no need to worry. You just need to get in touch with an agency or organization that provides or issues EHIC. You can replace your card easily now since the process is done online. 
Points to Remember:
You just need to furnish the same information that you provided in your previous application or the renewal.
The information will include your full name, your date of birth and your registered residential address. 
The information will also include your Personal Identification Number. 
In case you’ve forgotten your pin, you can still ask for a replacement. You just have to call the helpline of your EHIC provider. 
On a concluding note, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’re satisfactorily covered by the state healthcare services when you carry your EHIC with you. Do you want to apply for European Health Insurance Card online with a full email and telephone support throughout the process? You can do it at Apply EHIC Online along with a range of services. For more information about the services, you can visit their website: http://applyehiconline.co.uk/ 
Until next time. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

Five Great Reasons to Get EHIC Card

Five Great Reasons to Get EHIC Card
Does your work or study require regular travelling from country to country? Or are you travelling just for leisure? Then you should apply for an EHIC card. The premise behind the EHIC card is simple; if the European Union functions as an open market and a free community, then its open doors should not be narrowed down to health insurance obstacles. The EHIC card, short for European health insurance card, has brought a significant benefit for all EU nationals travelling from one country to another. EHIC card has played a dominant role in bringing security and peace of mind for EU citizens. 
 EHIC allows anyone who is covered by statutory social security scheme of EEA countries to receive medical treatment in another member state either at free or at a reduced price if that treatment is urgent during the visit. But still many say they don’t need an EHIC card, they have a passport? Well, first of all, both are two separate things and secondly, read on to find out five reasons as to why you should get an EHIC card. 

Five Great Reasons to Get EHIC Card
1. Travel For studying- The life of a student has little to no investment towards health insurance.  So for a student who is planning a trip to another country, EHIC card will certainly be treasured for them. You can travel all around the Europe with zero fear of no medical treatment money if an accident and illness befall on you. 

2. Travel for business- Travelling is an integral part of running a business. The EHIC card will surely come in handy when travelling for some business work. A majority of people criss-cross the union daily for business purposes. In addition to having a passport, possessing an EHIC card in the UK is common among businessman these days.

3. Travel while pregnant- Travel during pregnancy was considered a big hassle, considering the hefty amount of money you have to spend on the medical fees if you deliver the baby outside the country. EHIC card adds that extra safety net when travelling during pregnancy.

4. Travel for recreation- EHIC card helps in making the top up insurance simpler and economical for every EU citizen travelling for leisure. Moreover, the benefits of EHIC cards are not only limited for those who want to tour for recreation but it is also important for the tourism industry across Europe.

While these were some of the reasons as to why you should get an EHIC card, it is important to note that you should apply for the card from a reliable source.  Besides, you can visit Apply EHIC Online (applyehiconline.co.uk) as they are a trusted source for applying for EHIC cards in the UK. In addition to that, you can also renew your EHIC and replace your lost/stolen E111 card.

EHIC card is all you need to ensure safe travel. Here is why

If you are one of those most frequent flyers to Europe and consider it your second home then you must be aware of the do's and don&#...