Tuesday 14 February 2017

European Health Insurance Card Myths Decoded!

It goes without saying, that the introduction of the European Health Insurance Card has brought with it certain peace of mind for the travellers, and has provided essential travel insurance for EU travellers. The EHIC is basically a medical health card that offers EU citizens access to state-provided healthcare in the EEA, short for European Economic Area, countries.
Furthermore, the card offers a number of benefits to its holders, including free or reduced priced medical services and can also reduce the administration involved in searching medical assistance while overseas. However, still, there are a plethora of myths and misconceptions about the European Health Insurance Card. Not to worry, here are some of the major European Health Insurance Card myths finally decoded.
Myth 1. EHIC is a valued companion for travel insurance- While family travel insurance is a vital tool for families going abroad, having an EHIC card will offer an extra safeguard when it comes to the medical expenses. Moreover, having a European Health Insurance Card will help in reducing some of the inevitable red tapes you would face if you were relying just on the medical provisions of your travel insurance policy.
Myth 2. The EHIC card is not easy to use- This myth is completely inaccurate, as using the EHIC is exceptionally straightforward and easy to use. All you need to do is carry the EHIC while you are travelling and show it to the hospital authorities when asked for.
Myth 3. EHIC holders have access to free healthcare across the EU- Generally, not all state provided healthcare is free of cost in the European Economic Area countries. Some countries have a contribution based system and holding an EHIC will entitle you to the same level of costs available to the nationals.
Myth 4. You don't have to return to your nation for medical treatment- One of the major benefits of the European Health Insurance Card is the fact that you don't have to make arrangements for receiving medical treatment.
Myth 5. Getting reimbursements is applicable- While EHIC is provided at all the state hospitals, there might be situations where you may have to make payments. However, you can apply for reimbursements once you come back to your home country.
If you are planning a short trip to the continent, having a European health Insurance card is vital, as you can efficiently handle huge hospital bills during the emergency situations. Are you planning to apply for an EHIC card? Well, then make sure you visit Apply EHIC Online. They offer a broad range of services at affordable rates and are a trusted source for applying for EHIC cards in the UK. You can visit their website at applyehiconline.co.uk. 

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